Wednesday, July 30, 2008


King of rice from the Middle East, Thai Pasta and Taqueria La Nortento.

Cam, Billy and Scotty made thee adventurous trip up to what I would call PSU row on 4th and college. We where expecting to have pizza but then found out that they do the festival tour during the summer.... I guess they where out in Enterprise doing something there.... anyone up for a road trip and some Terminal Gravity? Have you been to TG? By far one of the best settings to drink beer in.... but thats another story.

Cam visited King because of their name.... he had some rice dish with yellow things in it. He also ordered up a drink that looked like it was coconut milk over ice.  Uh.... I have no idea what it was because (1) Cam was talking about "walking down the isle" and (2) Billy was chomping on some really nice looking deep fried thing and a very big plate of Pad Thai.... the pad thai looked good and was very colorful next to the slice of lime that came with the plate.

So by this time you would think that I would have included a 'Cam sucks!' somewhere in this post..... well the Chile Relleno burrito I had from Taqueria La Notento was by far one of the sucky'st burritos I have ever had. I should have figured this out when I saw some of the PSU athletic directors waiting for their food/burritos. 

A simple way to find out if mexican restaurant is going to have good food is to try their Chile Relleno.... well thats what my Guatemalan dad still tells me to this day (as well as (in a heavy hispanic accent) 'if you wear a condom, its not like you are cheating!'). Rellenos are one of the simplest foods to make and one of the easiest to screw up. There is something about the deep fried crispiness of the egg batter, the soft chile and the melted white cheese that when done right can bring a grown man to tears. As a child in Guatemala my grandmother at christmas time would make Tamales and Chile Rellenos while other family members prepared fresh tortillas and frijoles negros. As a kid I always looked forward to that time of the year and to this day still one of my fondest memories and why expect allot from someone selling "rellenos". This was more like a scrambled egg with a dash of canned green chilies and a hint of cheese. The beans where flavorless almost like they where cooked way too long. The burrito tasted more like a breakfast burrito I might get at McD's, and I am guessing that the McDonalds one would be more flavorful. Honestly, I have had better burritos a Taco Bell at 3 in the morning and would most likely would not visit it again.

No pic's due to Cam sucking and not bringing his camera.

The history of the chile relleno can be found at wikipedia.


barb said...

awesome! well apparently per our burrito reviews this Club is still in search of the most bombastic cart burrito in town.

I ~use to~ go to loco locos at the cart land by me (5th and pine). maybe we should throw that one in the ring?

I also use to go to burrito cart right at the corner of 3rd and stark (on my building block), but the guy eventually decided we should date, and haven't returned.

barb said...

oh wait, just reread and it appears emily was pretty happy with her burrito bomb. hmmm...